Monday, February 21, 2011

Intellisense does not come up automatically in VS 2010

Today I faced an Issue with Visual Studio 2010 with regard to Intellisense.
As soon as I typed the dot operator, the Visual Studio Intellisense does not come up and I had to press ctrl + space bar to bring it up. To resolve this I tried the below option.

1. Make sure no devenv.exe is running.
2. Try running from Start->Run:
devenv /resetuserdata (This causes a new devenv process run to do the resetting job)
3. Open task manager and check that the devenv process finishes (this takes a couple of minutes)


Friday, July 16, 2010

Shortcut to run predetermined code in SQL Server

SSMS has a feature that allows us to use a shortcut to run predetermined code, which we can access in the \Tools\Options\Environment\Keyboard\ menu.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Visual Studio 2010 features

VS Intellisense feature.

We can perform search of a method without knowing the first letters. For e.g if we want to search HeaderContentControl, we can simply type Content on the IDE or we can type HCC and the HeaderContentControl will be displayed.

Box Selection

Put the cursor on the first “private” and press Alt key and drag the mouse to the end of the last “private” keyword. It will select all the text inside that particular box.

Automatic Coding

Open the html code and type any control name and press tab twice.
ListView -> tab -> tab

Code Navigation

Searching function or variable is very easy in VS 2010. Type Ctrl + ,(Control Plus Comma) and the below dialog is opened. We can search using Pascal casing or fuzzy searching, for e.g., HCP(HeaderContentProperty)

Call Hierarchy

We can use the view call hierarchy to find out all the places where methods are getting called. Select a function and right click.

Variable Pinning

We can pin the variable during debug time. In debug mode highlight a variable and the PIN option is displayed. Click on the PIN and click on any area of the IDE.


This feature helps in debugging backwards. Go to Toold->Options to enable this feature.